Help Build a Mosaic of Supportive Messages for Jews, Israelis and Those Who Love Israel

$1,806   raised
GOAL: $25,000



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All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

After the heinous events of October 7th, Israelis and Jews around the world understandably expected to feel empathy and support from the rest of the world. While there has been an outpouring of support, it is often shrouded by the terrible rise of anti-semitism and expressions of hate.

As our brothers and sisters in Israel deal with ongoing war, and while hostages still remain in captivity, it is more important than ever that Israelis feel love and support. Despite profound loss and rampant antisemitism, there is a worldwide sense of solidarity amongst the Jewish people and for those who love Israel and its people.

Our Mission: Create a Global Mosaic of Solidarity with Israel

When there is so much hate and pain, we need to ensure that Israelis and Jews everywhere experience the solidarity and support that is out there. We need a place where people can express their love and provide the encouragement that is needed to be resilient during these difficult times when antisemitism is rampant worldwide.

That’s why we’re launching the Dear Israel Project and the Interactive Mosaic. Our vision is to transform our solidarity, strength and connection to Israel into a global collection of loving messages and photos that will be included in an interactive online mosaic.

Messages of hope and support from around the world will be continually uploaded to our growing, interactive mosaic on the Dear Israel Project website. The mosaic will be accessible to anyone with an internet connection, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Scrolling through and searching the photos and messages will provide endless encouragement, strength, and love from people around the world to the people of Israel and to Jews everywhere.

Our goal is to collect at least 24,901 messages to represent the 24,901 miles that make up the circumference of the earth. With so many messages of support, every person, young or old in Israel, can feel the enormous love coming from every corner of the world. Ultimately, we strive to uplift those who live in Israel and those who love Israel with a tool that has spiritual, psychological, and educational value.

Why Support the Dear Israel Project?

Imagine the impact of a global mosaic, composed of thousands of messages of love to the Israeli people. Picture the comfort it will bring to a parent who lost a child at the Nova Festival, the family of a hostage, or a child whose parent was brutally murdered on October 7, or to everyone affected by the ongoing war. Nothing can bring them back or rewrite these tragedies and hardships. But messages of support, empathy, and sharing in their grief can make a world of difference as they work hard to carry on day after day.  

When the situation can feel so hopeless, we can turn to simple but powerful acts of kindness. By supporting this project you will bring people together who care about Israel and our Jewish future. Those who submit messages will feel that they have a way to share their voice in a meaningful way. Through the mosaic, we all become witness to the collective support of Israel, and our Jewish future. Those who live in or love Israel can draw strength from words and images of hope and connection.

Who We Are

Our committee began as a group of two. It was back on October 10, 2023 when we were meeting about a different matter. We both stopped and spoke about the events of October 7th and how shaken, helpless and disconnected we were feeling. While we both had many connections in the Jewish community and had begun to contribute in different ways, we knew that we needed to do more.

We felt a strong need to create a project that could bring people together from all over the world in a show of solidarity and support. We needed to feel the strength of our community and a sense of peoplehood.

Our steering committee expanded as we sought assistance from people with different expertise. The steering committee is now comprised of: Rob, an expert synagogue software developer and senior lay leader of many Jewish organizations; Bob, a nationally known integrated marketing and direct marketing CEO and consultant; Fran, a seasoned clinical social worker and adjunct professor with expertise in the benefits of collective art; Monise, a master educator who leads delegations of youth and adults to Poland and Israel; Orit, a certified personal and professional coach and book author with a background in education and nonprofit leadership; and Hila, an advocate of community and global connection.


How You Will Help

Your contributions will be used in two ways. First, to support expenses related to the mosaic development and platform management, as well as related technology expenses including web hosting and domain services, email services and expenses related to moderating messages. Additionally, we feel it is important to enable everyone who wants to submit a message to do so regardless of ability to pay.

Second, donations will be used for marketing and outreach efforts that will encourage participation, raise awareness, and increase engagement in the Dear Israel Project. This includes partnering with Jewish and faith organizations, such as Hillel International, BBYO, The Jewish Agency, March of the Living, and Jewish camps. Additionally, we will reach out to all friends of Israel around the world at schools, universities, and Jewish community centers. In partnership with these organizations, we’ll use the power of social media to share and promote the Dear Israel Project.

To get these messages to Israelis, our Israel-based program manager will be sharing this project with organizations, schools, and influencers across Israel. We also have many personal contacts in Israel that will help spread the word about this initiative. Additionally, we will publish press releases and connect with Israeli celebrities and television stations to help ensure every Israeli is aware of this meaningful project.

With your help, we’re determined to reach and surpass our goal of 24,901 messages!



Enduring some of the darkest months in history, it has never been more critical to come together as a collective community in support of our Jewish homeland. 

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Your donation is tax deductible!

All donations to this charitable cause are collected by Jewcer, and donations exceeding the fair-market value of goods/services received are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) as tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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Ellen and Mitchell Cairo
"In memory of Omer Neutra."
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"In memory of Captain Omer Nuetra, a true hero for the Jewish people."
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
Valorie A
Anonymous donor
"In memory of Shmuel Aviram Ramler Z"L"
Miriam and Sam Kraemer
"What a wonderful cause. We are proud of all you've done to make this happen. xoxo"
Judy Belzer Weitzman
Anonymous donor
Elana and Dustin Cairo
Craig Lieber
Alan Mendelowitz
"Am Yisrael Chai"
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"In memory of the lives lost and in hope of bringing the hostages home"
Anonymous donor
Anonymous donor
"In memory of Gladys Siegel z'l -mother of Keith Siegel who is still hostage in Gaza. Bring Them Home Now!"

Help Build a Mosaic of Supportive Messages for Jews, Israelis and Those Who Love Israel

$1,806   raised
GOAL: $25,000



Campaign organizer profile img
Campaign by
The Dear Israel Project

This project is run by a multi-talented steering committee comprised of: Rob, an expert synagogue software developer and senior lay leader of many Jewish organizations; Bob, a nationally known integrated marketing and direct marketing CEO and consultant; Fran, a seasoned clinical social worker and adjunct professor with expertise in the benefits of collective art; Monise, a master educator who leads delegations of youth and adults to Poland and Israel; Orit, a certified personal and professional coach and book author with a background in education and nonprofit leadership; and Hila, an advocate of community and global connection.

  • Chai / Life
    0 claimed

    By supporting this campaign you show Israelis how much we value their lives.

  • Solidarity
    3 claimed

    Your support helps show solidarity with the Israeli community and the Jewish homeland.

  • Healing
    2 claimed

    Thank you for joining us on our mission to support the wellbeing of the Israeli people.

  • Connection
    2 claimed

    Your support connects voices all around the world in this meaningful and important mission.

  • Strength
    4 claimed

    Your donation gives immense strength to Israelis, the Jewish community at large, and all supporters of Israel.

  • Love
    0 claimed

    Thank you for sharing the love and ensuring that Israel feels the love and support they need.

  • Hope
    0 claimed

    Your help will give Israelis, Jews, and supporters of Israel the hope they need to maintain optimism and live through the grief.

  • Collective
    0 claimed

    Your generous support gives power to the collective effort needed to support our Israeli brothers and sisters.

  • Don't see the amount you want to donate? Every contribution helps!

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